Reviewed: In Heaven Everything Is Fine

August 28th, 2009

I reviewed the new biography of Peter Ivers In Heaven Everything Is Fine by Josh Frank with Charlie Buckholtz at Vol. 1 Brooklyn


Read this book review at Vol. 1 Brooklyn

The Creepy Touch! Episode 7: Damian Abraham of Fucked Up!

August 26th, 2009

In this episode: The Toilet Cobra and Fucked Up’s lead singer Damian “Pink Eyes” Abraham have a tender talkabout in the back of record cave, Academy Records. These two goofs flapped their gums like back in the day chums about Serbia, MTV, Fox News and baby humiliation. Watch along, won’t you, my darling?

Originally published at the Mishka Bloglin

Test Patterns #7 at Don Pedros

August 20th, 2009

More photos by Nate Dorr at Impose Magazine

Live visuals at Test Patterns #7 curated by Impose Magazine at Don Pedros on August 20th, 2009. The Gutsies, Love Like Deloreans, Bosco Delrey and Dream Diary performed.

“Props to Yr Friend Matthew’s psych projections gracing the faces and walls of these photographs.” – Impose

Reviewed: Warring Clans, Flashing Blades

August 17th, 2009

I reviewed Warring Clans, Flashing Blades: A Samurai Film Companion by Patrick Galloway for Vol. 1 Brooklyn


Read this book review at Vol. 1 Brooklyn

Vice X Mishka X Colt 45 Guides Party

August 14th, 2009

Live visuals for the Vice X Mishka X Colt 45 Guides Party at Glasslands in Brooklyn on August 13th, 2009. This show featured visuals on three screens, including a specially commissioned reel of highlights from the DART bike team and graphics for all involved sponsors. Children, Lullabye Arkestra and Violent Bullshit performed, along with DJ sets by Andy Catchdubs and Lauren Flax.

Photos by Nicky Digital, featuring Violent Bullshit

The Creepy Touch! Episode 6: The Horror Convention

August 12th, 2009

In this episode: Toilet Cobra gets accompanied by his Dad to a Horror Convention! Watch as Toilet Cobra meets Tom Savini, Gwar and Toxie. Toilet Cobra’s Dad on the other hand is disgusted by the spectacle of it all.

Originally published at the Mishka Bloglin

Suckers at Pianos

July 30th, 2009

I performed live visuals for Suckers at Pianos for three Thursdays in a row as part of their July residency at Pianos, 2009.

Suckers at Pianos from Matthew Caron on Vimeo.

The Creepy Touch! Episode 5: Dinowalrus

July 29th, 2009

In this episode: The Toilet Cobra introduces us to Captain Walrus who then chats with Pete from Dinowalrus about rock, architecture and deathtraps. Also some kids get weirded out! YOU’VE BEEN TOUCHED!!!!

Originally published at the Mishka Bloglin

The Creepy Touch! Episode 4: Big Apple Graphics

July 15th, 2009

In this episode: The Toilet Cobra visits the home of Bald Eagles and BK Broylerz, two artists who proceed to show the camera extreme examples of hate, love and all the other emotions. Dancing, fighting, kissing, cat shit. YOU’VE BEEN TOUCHED!!!!

This is seriously the most disturbing and uncomfortable Creepy Touch yet!

Originally published at the Mishka Bloglin

We Are The Wiley at The Shank

July 9th, 2009

Photos by EAR FARM

Live visuals for the We Are The Wiley benefit concert at The Shank in Brooklyn on July 9th, 2009. The show was organized to raise money to help local musician Jon Wiley pay some staggering medical bills and help raise awareness about the plight of uninsured artists. Lightspeed Champion, Adam Green and Chairlift performed.

P.S. The wall behind the stage was green. Result: very green visuals.

Adam Green’s “Emily” is real good song.